Detailing and Pattern Design: Our services begin by the passing a few sketches and going through details of what you would like the garment to look like.
Muslins & First Patterns: Highly recommending this step, we offer you a muslin to have the designer[s] look and review the beginning step of the garment. The pattern is made to fit with measurements provided. We can also measure your fit model as for specs.
Sample Developing: After fitting the first Muslin and making any necessary corrections we begin the process of making a sample [cut & sew process] with actual fabrics and real trims. Some designers in this stage use sub-fabrics and trims, that's okay too.
Production: After showroom [SRS/SMS] samples are finished, we revisit them for pre-production. We do all of our fittings in house and are scheduled, so you can have our undivided attention.