We strive to provide our clients with the best quality services. Better quality has your designs looking at their best. At One Stop, we know how much work goes into being a success in fashion. Having been in at the heart of the garment district for 30 years we have not only been involved in launching and developing brands but we have also built honest relationships with the businesses around us. We have been helping apparel design companies with pattern making and clothing manufacturing, to their great satisfaction. We understand how overwhelming it can be, and we also know that it is almost impossible to do it alone.
Putting together the ease of developing a product, we formulate the creativity and inspiration that you bring into reality. We become the partner, team, and powerhouse you need to make a statement in this industry. Everyone that walks through our doors, speak of the comfort that our facilities bring. Our clients become like family. Our facilities are one of the cleanest places you will ever find in New York City. We believe that our staff use their God given talents, from pattern-makers, cutters, sewers, pressers, to finishers to serve you with the best of our ability!
Our Story
“There are three necessities a person will forever need, clothes to wear, food to eat & a place to live.” Owner Of One Stop Inc, Julie Oh has always made that her words to live by. Having grown up with a passion of making clothing, she has made the fashion industry her home. After attending Parsons, The New School for Design,
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